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Special Needs

Engaging the Community of a Child with Autism: The Why, Who and How

When it comes to learning new skills, children on the autism spectrum need more opportunities to learn and engage. One of the best ways to do that is by involving other important people in the child’s life - parents, grandparents, siblings and other caregivers - and incorporating their skills and interests into the natural rhythms of a child’s day. With a ‘strength-based approach,’ meaning the practice or strategy in identifying and drawing upon the strength and interests of an individual, their family and community to achieve engagement and results as a partner, families can achieve an established goal set out for a child with autism.

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Forging Special Friendships: How to Plan an Inclusive Playdate

We knew early on that my older daughter would be visually impaired, and I was concerned how this would affect her socially. I remember confiding in her vision teacher when she was still an infant, “I just don’t want anyone to be mean to her, to make her feel less than or alone.” “Kids don’t see differences like adults do,” she assured me. “They just want to play.”

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A Gifted Resource - Understanding the Unique Needs of the Gifted Child and the Role of Their Parents

If you have a child who has been identified as gifted, you’re aware of the challenges they face in school. Whether the placement is a regular classroom or a specially designed program for accelerated learners, gifted children have unique needs. While every individual is wonderfully designed and no two have exactly the same needs, gifted children possess characteristics that set them apart.

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A Teachable Moment - Inclusion is Better than Exclusion

For many people the holiday season is more stressful than fun. For example, we must attend awkward reunions with rarely seen family and friends. Or even worse, we find ourselves with family members with whom we are not on good terms. In addition, when we are entertaining at home, there are stressful decisions to be made about who to include in an invitation and who to leave out. Then, after each gathering are the discussions about how angry or upset, someone is about someone else's behavior.

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