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Ages 11-17

The Splendor of Tweens - 15 Ways to Savor the Sweetness of Your Almost-Teen

I recall having a mini nervous breakdown the morning my tween son sat down at the island for breakfast, and I noticed his childhood nose had disappeared. He had grown a young man new nose overnight! When he left the kitchen, I sobbed like a basket case. Like I did after dropping him off on his first day of Kindergarten.

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Teen Dating: How Young is too Young?

I think many of us can relate to Deanna, mom of three girls (one a teen), when she says, “Dating? Not my babies!” My own first date happened when I was 16-and-a-half, and my parents were hard-core: if I missed curfew by one minute, I was grounded for two weeks (I was grounded quite often). For me, 13 or 14 would have been too young for dating because boys still freaked me out then, and I had no siblings to learn from.

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How to Raise a Respectful Teen

There have been a lot of opinions published online lately regarding the dad who shot his teen daughter’s laptop. In many ways, neither dad nor daughter was respectful toward the other. Good parenting involves mutual respect in a loving relationship. Mutual respect is treating another human being as no less and no more than one would like to be treated.

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Finding Your Prince in a Sea of Toads - What Dads Wish They Could Tell Their Daughters

While most dads would rather watch a Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants marathon than talk to their teenage daughters about sex and relationships, Dr. Kenneth Ryan, father of three girls, never runs away from the talk. As a relationship expert, Dr. Ryan seeks to help parents have normal, comfortable conversations about these important life topics. No one feels the pain of a bad boyfriend more than the dad so start talking before she has a boyfriend - before her mind turns to mush.

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