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From Julie's Kitchen: Real Food, Fast

Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to visit the Academia Barilla in Parma, a centre dedicated to the preservation of Italian food culture with cooking classes, research and development projects, events and an epic Gastronomic Library that houses over 11,000 cookbooks dating back to the 16th century.

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Apples Aren’t Just for the Teacher

The start of the apple harvest season has kicked off in BC, which means it’s a perfect time to celebrate the apple. Not only are they a healthy addition to any school lunch bag, but they’re also great for cooking with.

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Calgary's Child About-Town: A Parent’s Best Defense Against Snack Attacks

Fall means back to school, back to work and busier schedules as sports teams and other extracurricular activities once again get underway. With busy kids (and parents) in the house, it’s always a good thing to have a jar full of something to grab on the way out the door. These sweet and salty granola bars fit the bill whether you need something to nibble on in the car on the way to work, or have a hunger gap that needs filling between school and soccer. Individually wrapped, they’re easy to toss into school lunches and gym bags, don’t require refrigeration and aren’t easily crushed. Bonus: They’re easy to make and you know exactly what goes into them.

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From Julie's Kitchen: Real Summer Sippers

Summertime is slurpee season, and while I’m not against the occasional stroll to the corner store, I could do without the plethora of kool-aid, pop and other sugary drinks that get chugged throughout the summer months. Here are a few new drink ideas if you need to ditch your iced tea mix.

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