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Growing family? Make space for baby and you!

One of the biggest challenges when introducing a new member into the family is finding time and space for everyone and everything. Creating a space that is family-friendly and adult-savvy can be difficult, but is definitely worthwhile. We all know that once a baby is on board, along comes a myriad of colorful and distracting objects which stand out like a bright beacon in your once calm surroundings.

If you are fortunate enough to have a home with a living room and family room – and even luckier, a developed basement – then maintaining an adult zone should be easy enough. Whether you are blessed with multiple rooms or not, you will still need to be diligent to maintain order in the home when entertaining or simply enjoying quiet time. I suggest selecting one room to serve double-duty as a family and entertaining space. This will be the space that you will make an effort to keep under control, and no matter what else is happening in the rest of the house if someone drops over for tea, you have a comfortable place to stop and take a break… adult-style. The following are a few tips for combining family-friendly function and adult-entertaining style in your home.

  1. A toy chest is a must for your public space. This could be a trunk, wicker chest, or storage ottoman as it suits your décor. It could be a flea market find, which has been painted to match your décor, and could possibly double as a coffee table. Get into the habit of stowing away all the toys that will fit into the trunk at the end of each day.
  2. Consider a bookshelf or wall unit that has doors or baskets and bins that fit the shelves, so that you can stow away even more of the ever-growing collection. You can design your shelves with a combination of adult and kids’ items. Baskets could be designated for kids’ items, which are stowed when not in use, some shelves could be organized with books, and the higher shelves can even display décor items. 
  3. Avoid displaying kids’ items in the areas you have designated as ‘adult.’ This includes the master bedroom and kitchen, with the exception of artwork.
  4. Select an area in your home to display current special works created by your personal artists. Switch out the artwork seasonally or weekly as it suits you in inexpensive, uniform style frames. You may have a mini gallery with a frame dedicated to each child that can change each day of the week or each week of the month.
  5. When purchasing upholstered furnishings and soft items, such as decorator cushions and throw blankets, consider durability and stain resistance. Many fabrics are completely washable and virtually bomb-proof. You may also be surprised at the many new beautiful ‘green’ fabrics currently available.


Shawn specializes in residential design and project management.


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