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Ages 0-5

It's All About the Latch

Breastfeeding isn’t exactly going as planned? Well, you are certainly not alone! The majority of women experience some difficulties establishing breastfeeding for the first time. Expectant moms watch other women effortlessly breastfeeding their babies and assume: ‘How hard can it be?’What these expectant moms don’t realize is that these other women are probably coming out in public for the first time most likely months after the birth of their baby and previous to this outing, probably spent hours of trying and trying, becoming frustrated, crying, second guessing themselves and learning through trial and error. It can be challenging.

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Moving From a Crib to a Bed

When your child moves from crib to bed, it’s a milestone in his life as well as yours. There is no precise time for making this move, though typically it’s between the first and third birthday. The key to success is to be patient and allow your child time to adjust to the change. Why move a child from crib to bed?

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6 Ways to End Bedtime Battles with Your Toddler or Preschooler

Does your toddler or preschooler stall bedtime with “just one more [glass of water, book, kiss, etc.]” requests? Once you have entered the land of “just one more” it can be hard to leave, as you tend to get in deeper and deeper each time you give in. The result is later bedtimes, overtired kids and frustrated parents.

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What’s Going On With Your Three Year Olds and Sleep?

Recently, I have had a slew of parents contact me about their three year olds. The email is always about the same: “Can you give me some advice about my three-year-old son? He has always been a great sleeper, going right to sleep on his own and staying in his bed until it was time to wake up. This all ended last week when he suddenly refused to lay down unless my husband or I lay with him. When we get up to leave, he will wake and scream for us. The other night, we put him back to bed over 20 times and it was so exhausting that we ended up just letting him stay with us. It was horrible as he was so upset. He still naps so we talked about taking those away. What can we do?”

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