A return to school also means a return to routine, but sometimes that weekday morning schedule can be anything but routine. Some days it all goes rather smoothly. Everyone’s out the door on time, clean and ready for the day, required accoutrements in tow - all without any tears. Other mornings you can find yourself in the midst of ‘tantrum-ing’ turmoil of uneaten breakfasts, un-brushable hair, mismatched clothing, half put-together lunches (being complained about before they’re even made), missing schoolbooks and lost shoes. Yikes! It makes for a stress-inducing way to start the day, to say the least. I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve found myself looking at the clock having been up for less than an hour and thinking, ‘Only 14 more hours and we’ll all be in bed again. Just get through today.’ Perhaps not the best coping strategy.
At the Calgary Board of Education, each child is welcomed into the classroom as a unique individual. As you and your child begin to prepare for the start of Kindergarten or Grade 1, there are many things you can do together in the summer to make your child feel as comfortable as possible about starting school.
Kids are not the only ones who suffer from the summer slide. Parents have a difficult time thinking clearly at the end of the summer too. The reason your brain feels like it’s still on vacation right before the school year begins is because you just spent two-and-a-half months recovering from the last school year. Then it’s usually during the hectic back-to-school phase when parents struggle to remember all of the important priorities that seemed so clear right after school got out.
The school year is winding down and the summer is in sight...finally, a two-month reprieve from homework, busy schedules and strict bedtimes. This break sounds great, but for some kids, thoughts of the long summer ahead isn't as exciting as it may seem. In fact, many children secretly love the school year - even while they are complaining about it. They may feel a little sad during the last weeks of the school year and the first days of summer.
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