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School Aged

Add a Little Learning into Summer Fun

With a little creativity, parents can make year-round learning fun for their children. For children, learning is an ongoing process, one that continues even after the last bell of the school year. Just because families are gearing up for fun, sun and relaxation doesn’t mean educational activities can’t be incorporated into vacation plans.

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Join Calgary Reads and Pick Up A Book!

Calgary Reads recognizes that reading is important for child development, and they are committed to spreading the joy of reading to all children with their unique programs. There is something enchanting about reading a good book. Becoming engulfed in the story, and getting to experience epic adventures with beloved characters. A good book can captivate the attention and nurture the imaginations of children, and adults alike.

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Take a Hike - Using Nature to Nurture Your Child’s Education

As mild weather moves in, so does the opportunity to take advantage of nature’s classroom as a real-life education for young children. Grab a bucket or a paper bag, and take off for a learning activity that can integrate several academic disciplines.

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Your Map to ECMap: Early Learning at a Glance

One thing today’s parents are never short on is a never-ending stream of directions on how to raise our children. Hit from every angle with sage advice, ancient words of wisdom and the latest breaking research, it’s a wonder any of us have the guts to even pull our kids out of their cribs in the morning! The Government of Alberta has its own take on all this early education information, and has created a provincial initiative known as ECMap or the “Early Child Development Mapping Project". This commission aims to map how prepared for school all Kindergartners are by the time they start class.

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